Curtis Bay is a neighborhood in the southern portion of the City of Baltimore, Maryland, United States. The neighborhood is located in a highly industrialized waterfront area in the southern part of the city, and receives its name from the body (cove) of water to the east in which it sits. The cove of Curtis Bay is a branch of the main stem of the Patapsco River, which forms the Baltimore Harbor and Port. The residential community of Curtis Bay also offers a variety of housing, townhouses, rowhouses, individual homes, (both constructed of wood-frame, brick, stone and concrete block/stuccoed) and corner stores, taverns/bars. Curtis Bay is home to the United States Coast Guard Yard. There is a large Polish American community in Curtis Bay. The city hall, fire station, and meeting hall for Curtis Bay was constructed in 1905. In 1925, the United Polish Societies purchased the building and named it Polish Home Hall and it became central to the Polish experience in Curtis Bay, functioning as a social, educational, and political center for Curtis Bay’s Polish community into the 1970s.