The Harbison-Walker Refractories Company, today HarbisonWalker International, is one of the world’s largest suppliers of refractory materials. The company heavily relied on asbestos in many of its products in the past. Harbison-Walker later faced many asbestos claims and lawsuits, filed for bankruptcy, and established a trust fund to compensate claimants.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestosis, or asbestos-related lung cancer, you may be eligible for substantial compensation. There is currently over $30 billion in asbestos trust funds set up for victims of asbestos-related diseases. Fill out our form to receive our free Financial Compensation Packet. Our packet is loaded with information on experienced mesothelioma attorneys in your area, how to file a claim for asbestos trust funds, how to get paid in 90 days, and more.

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- File for your share of $30 billion in trust funds

Did Harbison-Walker Use Asbestos?
Harbison-Walker makes refractory materials, which are used in extremely high-temperature settings. Asbestos was long considered the best material for insulating, fireproofing, and resisting high heat. Harbison-Walker used asbestos in its refractory products from the 1950s through the 1970s.
Harbison-Walker History
Established in 1865 in Pittsburgh, the Star Fire Brick Company manufactured and distributed industrial products to withstand high temperatures.
- The company changed its name to Harbison-Walker Refractories Company in 1875 and continued to manufacture fireproof bricks, refractory cement, and castables.
- The industrial revolution of the late 1800s created a huge demand for refractory products. This allowed Harbison-Walker to grow and expand.
- During the 1960s, Harbison-Walker merged with a similar company, Dresser Industries, Inc., a subsidiary of the corporation Halliburton.
- In the 1990s, Halliburton faced numerous asbestos-related claims and lawsuits resulting from the use of asbestos by Dresser and Harbison-Walker.
- Halliburton and Harbison-Walker filed for bankruptcy and created an asbestos trust fund with $5.1 billion in 2005.
- In 2003, Harbison-Walker merged with A.P. Green and NARCO, becoming ANH Refractories. The name became HarbisonWalker International (HBI) in 2015.
Platinum Equity acquired HBI in 2023. It continues to operate today as a manufacturer of refractory products and materials but without asbestos.
What Products Did Harbison-Walker Make with Asbestos?
Harbison-Walker used asbestos heavily in products designed to withstand very high temperatures. Nearly everything they made from the 1950s to 1970s contained asbestos, including these examples:
- Asbestos rope
- Castable cement
- Firebricks
- Gunning mix
- Refractory bricks
- Refractory cement
- Rollboard
Harbison-Walker brand names for products that contained asbestos include:
- Chromepak G
- Harbison-Walker Lightweight Catable
- Metalkase Firebridk
- Micracrete
Occupations Affected by Harbison-Walker Asbestos Use
Many workers in several different industries risked asbestos exposure because of Harbison-Walker products. The workers who installed and repaired refractory materials in industrial settings faced some of the highest risks of exposure.
Workers in Harbison-Walker factories also had high risks of exposure to the asbestos in the materials they handled.
Other industries and workplaces that used Harbison-Walker refractory materials that placed workers at risk of asbestos exposure include:
- Cement
- Chemical plants
- Construction
- Foundries
- Oil refineries
- Paper mills
- Pipefitting
- Power plants
- Shipyards
- Steel mills
Harbison-Walker Lawsuits
Harbison-Walker began facing asbestos lawsuits over exposure and illness in the 1980s. The company failed to warn workers of the risks of asbestos in its products. Victims of exposure held the company liable for damages.
A major lawsuit included five plaintiffs harmed by Harbison-Walker products: pipefitters who worked at Bethlehem Steel, a bricklayer who handled asbestos bricks, and the daughter of a pipefitter who worked with asbestos products and exposed her through fibers on his work clothing.
The lawsuit ended in a $40 million jury award for the victims. This was just one of many lawsuits that led Harbison-Walker and its partners to file for bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy and Asbestos Trust
More than 200,000 pending claims awaited Harbison-Walker during the early 2000s. Over half of these claims were based on a 1992 indemnification agreement with its merger with Dresser.
Harbison-Walker filed for bankruptcy in 2002, but before filing, it established the DII Industries, LLC Asbestos PI Trust.
Most companies file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection before setting up an asbestos trust fund. Still, Harbison-Walker made a deal with its insurance underwriters to settle current asbestos claims for 100 pennies on the dollar.
The asbestos trust was funded with $5 billion, with over $570 million of the amount coming from Harbison-Walker’s insurance underwriters, London Underwriters. Insurance reserves and company stocks funded the remaining amount.
The DII Industries, LLC Asbestos PI Trust accepts claims today. As of 2022, the payment percentage is 60%, a higher rate than most asbestos trusts offer.
Five Victims Win $40 Million Against Harbison-Walker
Harbison-Walker faced a lawsuit in 2001, just one year before filing for bankruptcy, in which they lost $40 million to five victims of asbestos-related diseases.
Along with Harbison-Walker, several other companies were found guilty of contributing to the victims’ diseases, including Armstrong Contracting and Supply Company and A.P. Green Industries.
The only way Harbison-Walker could financially survive the lawsuit was to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It also reorganized and set up another asbestos trust fund to handle any future claims.
The BP Oil Spill
Halliburton, the parent company of Harbison-Walker, had a big part in the Deepwater Horizon oil rig fire, which exploded on April 20, 2010, killing 11 workers and spilling massive amounts of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
Halliburton played a part because the company provided cementing services on the oil rig. As a result, in Sept. 2011, a federal report indicated that Halliburton was at least partially responsible for the oil spill.
Halliburton was made to pay some of the costs of the $40 billion cleanup efforts.
“BP is required to indemnify Halliburton for third-party compensatory claims that arise from pollution or contamination that did not originate from the property or equipment of Halliburton located above the surface of the land or water, even if Halliburton’s gross negligence caused the pollution.”
Judge Barbier of the United States District Court in New Orleans.
Seeking Compensation for Exposure to Asbestos in Harbison-Walker Products
If you used and were harmed by Harbison-Walker products, contact an asbestos law firm to find out how to seek compensation. You could be eligible to make a claim with the asbestos trust fund.
A mesothelioma lawyer can also investigate your work history to find other companies liable for your exposure. Most people with asbestos illnesses were exposed to asbestos in products made by multiple companies. You could qualify for more than one trust fund or even file a lawsuit to seek damages.
Additional Resources and Legal Help for Asbestos Victims
If you’ve been injured by asbestos, keep in mind that there is a good chance that you’ll qualify for considerable compensation. Remember to fill out our formfort your free Financial Compensation Packet, with information on asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers in your area. If you have questions or need additional assistance, contact us at 800-793-4540.

Paul Danziger
Reviewer and EditorPaul Danziger grew up in Houston, Texas and earned a law degree from Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago. For over 25 years years he has focused on representing mesothelioma cancer victims and others hurt by asbestos exposure. Paul and his law firm have represented thousands of people diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer, recovering significant compensation for injured clients. Every client is extremely important to Paul and he will take every call from clients who want to speak with him. Paul and his law firm handle mesothelioma cases throughout the United States.
- Dixon, L., McGovern, G., and Coombe, A. (2010). Asbestos Bankruptcy Trusts. An Overview of Trust Structure and Activity with Detailed Reports on the Largest Trusts. RAND Institute for Civil Justice.
Retrieved from: - DII Industries, LLC Asbestos PI Trust. (n.d.). About the Trust.
Retrieved from: - Koenig, (2001, December 7). Asbestos Verdict Is $40 Million. The Baltimore Sun.
Retrieved from: - HWI. (2023, February 20). Platinum Equity Announces Completion of HarbisonWalker International Acquisition.
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